A Spoonful of Sugar (or maybe more)

We had a great time celebrating Ella's first birthday. It doesn't take much to get the kids excited. Serve some cake and ice cream, blow up a few balloons, light a candle and upwrap a few new gifts, call it a party and they love it. As expected Ella spent more time playing with the wrapping paper and packaging than she did with the toys. Of course she would have to wrestle her birthday toys away from Lauren and Grant if she wanted a chance to play with them. The highlight for sure was watching Ella dig into her cake. She wasn't shy at all. Lauren and Grant laughed the entire time. They thought it was the funniest thing to see Ella make such a mess. Harv deserves a pat on the back, because in the end he was the one to clean up the mess while I gave the kids a bath.

I guess another milestone is now past. Ella is growing up fast and our home is getting busier by the day. We love having Ella in our family and can't even remember life without her. She offers endless smiles and laughter, and she puts up with a lot from Lauren and Grant. We love you Ella. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!